Lenten Prayer
by Susan Cowley

Oh, God,
You who multiplied the loaves and the fishes,
teach us a blending of sod, seed, sprout-
and your Spirit,
that we might find no separation between food
for the hungry and faith for the righteous;
that we might so liberate ourselves
this Lenten season
from lust for more and our self-seeking ambitions
that we will turn and see
those whose empty hands outstretched
yet bear the nail scars
of your own hand-the scars of prejudice
and the torture of rejection.
Lord Christ, make us your own.
Surrender us wholly to you
so that, as we fill the bodies of others,
we restore our own souls to health.
In your blessed name we pray,

-from the 98 Seeds Lent/Easter worship packet. Susan Cowley is part of an ecumenical faith community in an impoverished neighborhood in Waco, Texas.

~Art by Robert Darden