Hunger Education
Seeds of Hope Hunger Emphasis Collection
Back Issues of Hunger Emphasis Packets
Hunger Emphasis Primer for Beginning Churches – PDF
Hunger in God’s World: A Workshop for Churches
Speaking of Hunger: Sermons of Challenge and Hope
Hope is in Our Hands: Activities for Youth & Children
- Fifteen year’s worth of Hunger Emphasis packets. Each packet contains prayers,statistics,quotes and sayings, children and youth activities, a 40-day calendar of suggestions for engaging with hunger and poverty, and other ideas and information to help create an engaging hunger emphasis for your congregation.
- If your church has never held a hunger emphasis, take a look at Developing a Heart for the Hungry, our hunger emphasis primer for beginning churches. To supplement the Hunger Emphasis Primer, we offer a printable calendar (11 x 17) and placemat (8.5 x 14).